stigma 2 fear of stigma Most physical illnesses are limited. However, they cannot cripple love nor shatter hope. Physical illness does not corrode faith nor destroy peace of mind. Physical illness does not destroy friendships nor suppress memories. Physical illness does not silence courage nor conquer people’s spirits.

BUT Mental illness is not limited. It often cripples love and shatters all hope. And, nobody can live without hope.

Mental illness often corrodes faith and destroys any peace of mind a person might have.

Mental illness destroys friendships more often than not and suppresses memories.

Mental illness silences courage and conquers the spirit.

Mental illness brings out the worst kind of journalistic reporting.

Mental illness has an overpowering stigma and until we can lessen that stigma, life will continue to be difficult for anyone with a mental illness.

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  1. LaVancia Phoenix

    How true…I saw several in the institution that were classified as “institutionalized.” They were content being where they were and had no hope of ever achieving anything special except winning a card game or domino’s game…some had been in there over 20 years…I knew I didn’t want that for myself so I kept chasing a dream of freedom and still am to this day. I’m still bound by law to commit to several “updates,” such as UA drug testing and 6 month reports sent out to the old hospital from my mental health facility…I am praying for my freedom to happen sometimes before Christmas…I want to see my family in a different state than this one and right now, I am tied to this state as well as this county…

  2. Sara Jacobovici

    Jill, for the first time since I have been following your articles, I have to respectfully disagree. I can’t imagine individuals who have experienced physical illness, including myself, who have not experienced: crippled love or shatter hope, corroded faith or destroyed peace of mind, destroyed friendships or suppressed memories, silenced courage or conquered people’s spirits. I don’t understand why you needed to create this split?

    1. Jill Post author

      My dear Sara,
      Maybe I put this too strongly, but I have been witness to this far too often. But I. Suppose we do sometimes see things differently.nI am very sorry if I offended you.

      1. Sara Jacobovici

        Jill, you can never offend me. I was just taken aback by what seemed to be an unnecessary polarization between mental and physical illness.
        I appreciate your response.
        All the best,


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